Sunday 21 June 2020

I am your Lungs Questions answers, Class 5 English NCERT

Lesson 3: I am your Lungs

I am your Lungs Questions answers, Class 5 English NCERT
I am your Lungs


Read and Answer
1. Describe Human Lungs
Answer: Human Lungs is one of the most important organ of our body. Lungs are a spongy organ. This are two in number, one on the left side and other on the right side of our chest. Left lung is bit smaller than the right one. And it weigh about 1.3 Kilogram.

2. What is a rib cage?
Answer: Rib Cage is a bony cage it helps to protect our lungs.

3. What are alveoli?
Answer: The tiny bunches of sacs are called alveoli. They are located at the end of the bronchioles.Alveoli are full of air. There are about 300 million of them in each lung.

4. What are capillaries?
Answer: Capillaries are the network of very thin blood vessels. These capillaries are so thin that they can absorb oxygen into the blood or release carbondioxide from the blood.

5. How does the air reach alveoli? 
Answer: When we breathe in air, the air from the nose passes into the trachea and through the bronchi into tiny sacs called alveoli.

6. What happens to oxygen once it reaches alveoli?
Answer: Once oxygen reaches alveoli,it goes through the walls of the alveoli into the capillaries which carry blood. The blood carries the oxygen to the heart. The heart pumps all the oxygen-carrying blood to every cell in the body. Oxygen in the blood breaks food into energy, glucose and carbon-dioxide.

7. From where does our blood get carbon-dioxide?
Answer: Once oxygen reches alveoli, The blood carries the oxygen to the heart. The heart pumps all the oxygen-carrying blood to every cell in the body. Oxygen in the blood breaks food into energy, glucose and carbon-dioxide.This is the process by which our blood get carbon dioxide.

8. Where does the oxygen-laden blood go from alveoli?
Answer: The blood vessels brings carbondioxide  back to lungs.

9. How is carbondioxide removed from our blood?
Answer: The carbon dioxide is emptied into alveoli and from there it is sent out through the wind pipe out of the nose.


1. Which according to you is the most important organs of our body out of the given three?
Answer: Heart, Lungs, Brain.

2. What would happen if oxygen does not reach all parts of our body?
Answer: If oxygen does not reach all parts of our body, we will face many problems related to breathing. With less oxygen we will feel uncomfortable and tired.

3. What would happen if the walls of capillaries were thick?
Answer: If the walls of capillaries were thick then the wall of the capillaries  would not be able to absorb oxygen into the blood or release carbon dioxide from the blood.

4. What would happen if the carbon dioxide is not removed from from our blood?
Answer: If the carbon dioxide is not removed from our blood then it may cause respiratory failure of our body.

5. From where does carbon dioxide come in the body?
Answer: When we breathe in air , the oxygen goes through the walls of the tiny sacs called alveoli into capillaries which carry blood. After reaching the heart , the heart pumps all the oxygen to every cell in the body. Oxygen in the blood breaks food into carbon dioxide, this is how carbon dioxide come in the body.

6. What should you do to take care of your lungs? Complete the pledge in less than 30 words.
Answer: I promise to take care of my lungs by keeping myself away from people who smoke, and also from pollution and fumes. To protect my lungs I will grow plants, and wear a mask, if I go to areas where there is smoke or too much pollution.

7. What would happen if your lungs and heart were not inside the rib cage?
Answer: Lungs and heart are surrounded by a bony cage called rib cage. This rib cage protect our body.

8. What is the function of Diaphragm?
Answer: Diaphragm is located below the rib cage. The main function of diaphragm is to get air in and send carbon dioxide out.

A. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
1. In winter metal things contract  and in summer they expand.
2. The apple tree was laden with red juicy apples.
3. The construction of the building is going on at a very sluggish pace.
4. There is a plenty of food for everyone.
5. Fumes produced by vehicles pollute the atmosphere.
6. She is suffering from severe cold and cough.

A. Fill in the blanks with the short forms of the underlined words.
1. She’s finished her a speech.
2. They aren’t confident.
3. We’re coming home.
4. She’s my sister.
5. We’ll not go to Mumbai.
6. She can’t swim.
7. They’ve reached the airport.
8. I’ve reached the airport.
9. I’ll come tomorrow.
10. It’s a cute puppy.

B. Correct the short forms of the given words
1. She’s my mother.
2. They’ve confessed to their crime.
3. I’ll not come there.
4. She’s not given me any money.
5. We have’nt gone to this restaurant.
6. It’s my car.
7. They aren’t rude.
8. They’re our friends.
9. We’re happy.
10. He’s going to America.

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