Saturday 24 February 2018

Lyrical ballads summary,short notes, by wordsworth and colleridge


                                        Lyrical Ballads

 Lyrical ballads summary,short notes, by wordsworth and colleridge

In the year 1798 , William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge jointly Published a Slim anthology of poems named "The lyrical Ballads " This work became a landmark in English poetry because it ushered in a new era by declaring an open revolt against the Neo-classical style of poetry. The anthology contains 19th poems mostly by Wordsworth and some poems by Colleridge . The significant poem being the   Rime of Ancient Mariner. The most notable poem of Wordsworth in this volume was "lines written a few miles above " Tintern Abbey" .This anthology also contained Wordsworth other poems like The idiot Boy , The thorn , Simon Lee, etc.

Later when Colleridge wrote his" Biographia Literaria " ,he mentioned about this work commentating that Wordsworth intention was to propose to himself as his subject to give the charm of Novelty to things of Everyday by awakening the minds attention from the lethargy of custom and directing in to the loneliness and the wonders of the world before us .

In the year 1798 , William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge jointly Published a Slim anthology of poems named "The lyrical Ballads " This work became a landmark in English poetry because it ushered in a new era by declaring an open revolt against the Neo-classical style of poetry.

The literary merit of this volume exist not only on the Novelty of the poems but more on the preface that Wordsworth and Colleridge had added to it the 1798 edition of the Lyrical Ballads contained a brief preface which outlined the poetic creed of the two poet's ,the next edition of the Lyrical Ballads in 1800 had an ellaborate preface which extended the poetic theory of Wordsworth .

 The preface became the manifest of romantic poetry in general and the poetry of Wordsworth in particular . In this preface Wordsworth dealt at large on the nature of poetry including its theme or subject and it's diction , Wordsworth emphasized that their poetry is about humble men and women living close to Nature. Wordsworth also tried to explain the act of poetic creation in his famous assertion that poetry is the Spontaneous Overflow of powerful emotions recollected in tranquility .



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