Wednesday 7 March 2018

Vowels diagrams with different labels , Vowel chart with examples

           Vowels Chart and diagram with examples and different Labels

Vowels diagrams with different labels
Vowels diagrams with different labels 

The term vowel refers to a unit of speech sounds which is distinguished from the speech sounds known as 'consonant' .

Vowels in English can be described with reference to the following three criteria known as three term labels.

(A) Position of the tongue ,
(B) Height of the tongue,
(C) Position of the lips.

The Vowels Chart with the different labels given here

Vowels diagrams with different labels
Vowel diagram with different labels

(A) Position of the Tongue :

Three tongue position have been shown on the diagram which are explained below-

(I) Front vowels:

It refers to to those vowels during the production of which the front of the tongue is raised in the direction of the hard palate .

These vowels are (i) as in feel , (e) as in bed and (æ)as in bad.

(II) Back vowels :

This are produced when the back of the tongue is raised in the direction of the soft palate .

For example (u:) as in fool ,and (a:)as in heart .

(III) Central vowels

This are produced when the centre of the tongue is raised to the part of the roof of the mouth lying at the meeting point of the hard palate and the soft palate 

For example (ʒ:) as in bird , (ʌ) as in hut , and (a) as in again

(B) Height of the tongue :

Depending on the height of the tongue ,vowels can be close , half-close , half-open and open

(I) Close vowels :

This are produced with the central part of the tongue raised close to the roof of the Mouth leaving enough gap to pass without friction

For example : (i:) in feet and (u:) as in fool .

(II) open vowels :

This are produced with the tongue far away from the roof of the mouth

For example : (a:) as in heart

(III) Half -close and Half open vowels :

It refers to the height of the tongue between the extreme position, Thus giving us half-close and half-open position.

For example: (u)as in put , (u:)as in pull , (e) as in bed , (æ)as in bat .

(C) position of the lips :

Depending upon the position of the lips ,during the production of a sound ,vowels sounds can be classified as Rounded and Unrounded vowels .

(I) Rounded vowels :

This are those vowels during the production of which ,the lips are brought forward

For example: (u:)as in fool

(II) Unrounded vowels :

this are those vowels during the production of which the lips are pulled back

For example: (i:) as in lead .

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